
Kids are not little adults!

Kids and teens need to be seen, heard and assessed through a different lens than adults. Their bodies host different demands, and changes, so when injured need to be supported in an educated and fun way to allow them to learn and understand the who, what, when and whys of the body.

Paediatric Pelvic Health, Sport and Musculoskeletal Issues

The paediatric population is often underserved. Kids and teens on the fields at school or in sport can easily end up with an injury that can change how they move, feel and perform both physically and cognitively. So this population also need to be seen and heard regarding what their body is doing well and not well. Educating this population is so important for their understanding of their bodies and developing their physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing well into adulthood.

  • Paediatric Pelvic Health

    Kids and teens can suffer from pelvic health concerns; inclusive of constipation issues, abdominal pain, pelvic pain, painful periods, inability to use tampons, groin pain, vulvovaginal pain and leakage (bowel and bladder). Pelvic health is often overlooked but is so important to overall health and wellbeing as they grow, change and become adults. My approach is one that is whole body and inclusive. I use real time ultrasound to assess the pelvic floor and abdominal wall as often internal examination is not indicated for kids and teens.

  • Concussion

    Concussions are common due to the active nature of kids and teens. Also we are seeing concussions in sport. Proper assessment and management is essential for long term brain health and return to sport/exercise and school.

  • Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedic Issues

    Kids and teens bodies are changing; and with this is sport and everyday life injuries or issues can come up from back pain to knee pain to ankle sprains and beyond. I take a whole body approach to these issues and more, coupled with corrective exercises and education to ensure a healthy and optimal return to life and sport.